Juil 182012

Whether  loose leaf forms or in tuo cha, these distinctive teas have been consumed in China for a long time for healing and good health.  Their soothing qualities help in digestion and are best after eating heavy or oily foods.  Recent studies show that they have significant effects in lowering cholesterol, in blood cleansing,  and even helps to reduce weight.

Following are known benefits  that can be derived from  Pu-erh Tea that are accepted widely by those practicing ancient Chinese medicine :

•    For the relief  of arteriosclerosis,  bleeding, common cold symptoms and hepatitisPu-Erh Tea

•    Has Vitamin C that can be rapidly absorbed and  water-soluble

•   helps to  lower blood cholesterol levels.

•    aids in blood circulation

•    helps in prevention of and development of cancer

•    aids in the proper food digestion

•   may help strengthen the spleen

•    helps to  break down and reduce fats in the body

•    may help to remove toxins in the body

•    helps in healing body aches and pains.

  Pharmacological Elements:

Vitamins B1, B2 C and E, potassium, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, lysine, arginine, histidine and cystine, linoleic and linolenic acids and  trace amounts of zinc, sodium, nickel, iron, beryllium, sulfur and fluorides

  Caffeine Content:

•    Pu-Erh teas that have been aged contain lower caffeine levels  than the young

•    Fermentation which occurs after the ageing process results in diminished
caffeine content the older the tea

•    In general, green Pu-Erh has higher caffeine content than the black variety
because Black Pu-erh undergo  more processing which reduces caffeine levels.

I.    What is Pu-erh tea

 II.    Pu-erh’s Origins

III.    Production

 IV.    Types of Pu’erh and Brewing

  V.    Flavours of Pu-Erh Tea

 VI.    Pu-Erh Tea and  Its Many Health Benefits

VII.    Shaping  and Packaging Methods

VIII.   Storing Pu-Erh Tea

 IX.    Criteria For Choosing Pu-Erh Tea

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